Home buyer's Guide to Better Credit

Raise your FICO score  to buy a house in EDGEWATER with Hudson River Realty as your agent - 201-943-9003

Choosing a lender isn't the first step in becoming a homeowner. The quality of your wallet begins the home buying process. Without an above average FICO score, buying a house is more difficult and, you could end up renting longer than you expected in EDGEWATER until your score improves.

A FICO score is a collection of your years of credit history based on a model developed by Fair Isaac and Company. The score ranges from 300 to 850, with most people normally having a score of 600. Even though more people these days are experiencing job loss and delinquent credit cards, FICO scores aren't necessarily adjusted "on a curve." A low score is a low score and that often means you can't get credit extended to you in the form of a mortgage loan. Some of the pieces in reviewing your FICO score are:

  • Payment History — How many months do you make late payments?
  • Credit to Debt Ratio — How much do you owe versus how much credit you have available?
  • Credit Inquiries — How many times has your credit history been accessed by someone other than you?
  • Types of Credit — Do you have a healthy mix of credit cards and loans?

Lenders want to be positive that giving you a loan isn't a risk for them. Your FICO score gives lenders an insight into what type of borrower you'd be based solely on your credit history. Because of the shift in the economy, most home buyers should have scores in the range of 740 or higher to get a decent interest rate. If your score is less than that, you can still qualify for a loan, but the interest accumulated over the life of the loan could be more than double the amount of an individual having a stronger FICO score.

Staying on top of your FICO score is the first step in owning a home. Contact me and I can help you get on the right track to the home of your dreams.

There are strategies to improve your score. Building your FICO score takes time. It can be difficult to make a significant stride change in your credit score with quick fixes, but your score can improve in a year or two by keeping tabs your credit report and by using credit extended to you to raise your score, instead of ruin it. The most important thing is to know your FICO score. You'll improve your credit score by using these tips:

Raise your FICO score  to buy a house in EDGEWATER with Hudson River Realty as your agent - 201-943-9003
  • Keep up with payments. Late payments kill your credit history. It's one of the reasons people who have recently experienced job loss see the biggest dip in their credit score. Yes, it takes longer to build up your credit this way, but it's the most reliable way to prove that you're responsible enough to make payments to a bank.
  • Correct your credit report. If you find incorrect items on your credit report, write to the bureau asking that the item be removed. If you have a common name or the same name as a family member, you'll want to pay extra attention to make sure the activity reported is correct.
  • Spread your debt around. At first, this doesn't sound like a good idea. But, you want to avoid of having one card that is at the limit and have your remaining cards at a zero balance. It's better to have each of your cards at about 20% of their credit limit than to have all of your debt taking up the balance a single card.
  • Apply for gas cards or department store credit. For those who have no credit or below average credit, chain store credit cards and gas credit cards are ways to start your credit history, increase your credit limits and stay on top of your payments, which will raise your credit. You should always avoid charging a high balance for more than a couple of billing cycles because these types of cards more than likely have a steeper interest rate.
  • Use your credit. Whether you're just getting started with credit, or if you've got older cards, use your cards so that your accounts maintain an active status. But, pay them off in no more than two or three payments.

Now that you know more about credit reporting, you'll be able to successfully take the first steps to homeownership, and that is improving your FICO score. Know that when it's time to apply for a loan to purchase a house, you'll want to keep your applications within a two-week window to avoid damaging your credit score. With the help of Hudson River Realty, the loan process can be a stress-free experience so you, too, can achieve home ownership.

Learn more about FICO scores at www.myFICO.com, Fair Isaac's informational site and review your credit history for free at www.annualcreditreport.com. And, for a small payment, you can get your FICO score from each bureau on their websites: www.equifax.com, www.experian.com and www.transunion.com.

I won't judge you based on your credit scores and can help you settle into home ownership with the right mortgage lender for you. E-mail me at mzapata@hudsonriverrealty.com or call 201-943-9003 for more information.